Willis & Bowring

Latest Blogs

  • Changes to Drink Driving Laws in NSW

    Changes to Drink Driving Laws in NSW


    As of May 2019, if you are caught drink driving in NSW, you will be subject to new changes to the law. NSW Police now have the power to issue infringement notices for low-range drink driving and suspend your NSW Drivers Licence on the spot. Under the new laws, the fine payable under an infringement… Read More

  • Blended families and the importance of making a valid Will

    Blended families and the importance of making a valid Will


    Many people put off making a Will. Some believe that they are healthy and death is an event in the distant future that will not occur for many years. Others do not like to consider end of life decisions for fear of bringing ill health upon themselves. However, the consequences of dying without a Will… Read More

  • World first technology catching drivers using their mobile phone on NSW roads

    World first technology catching drivers using their mobile phone on NSW roads


    The State Government in a world first has rolled out technology after a test period has recently been carried out. They are now trialling cameras that can detect motorists using their mobile phones whilst driving which will be located on the Clunies Ross Street overpass on the M4 Motorway at Prospect and also on Anzac… Read More

  • Mothers being the target for the NSW Police Force for drink driving


    It was reported this year on 60 minutes whereby a mother has been arrested for drink driving after she was found asleep in a car. She was parked in a bus zone in Sydney’s North Shore in November 2018, and should be noted that she recorded a blood alcohol reading of .445 which is 9… Read More

  • Rights of residential tenants when premises are rendered uninhabitable


    Given the recent record of events concerning the Opal Tower Building at  Olympic Park Sydney, where reportedly some 50 of the 390 apartments in the building are unable to be occupied (at least for the immediate future) owing to perceived risks to the occupants of those apartments due to cracking having been discovered in that… Read More

  • New Staff

    Willis and Bowring welcomes four new staff members joining our organisation. From left to right are Jayne Humphreys joining our Wills and Estate planning team, Ben Harris and Elaine Tang join our Property Team, with Kelly Weston joining the Probate and Estate Litigation team. Read More

  • Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship


    Why should I appoint an Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian? Along with making a Will, the appointment of an Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian is a very important part of any Estate Plan. These appointments allow you to nominate a person, or persons, to make important decisions on your behalf in… Read More

  • Capacity to make a Will


    A Will is a very important step in any Estate Plan. One of the essential requirements for making a valid Will is that the testator (will-maker) must have the capacity to make a Will. This means that the testator must be capable of doing all of the following at the time that they give instructions… Read More

  • New Rail Safety Legislation


    Transport Administration Amendment (Independent Transport Safety Regulator) Act 2017 No.4 The object of the bill is to abolish the Independent Transport Safety Regulator which was a NSW Statutory Corporation that provided specific functions and services under delegation from the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator. The functions that the Independent Transport Safety Regulator currently… Read More

  • Recent Changes To NSW Liquor Laws


    The NSW Government in the month of October has brought in a raft of liquor law reforms affecting licensees across NSW. SMALL BARS Some of the changes are a welcome benefit for small bars in the Sydney CBD and Kings Cross whereby drink restrictions post- midnight have been removed for venues with small bar licenses… Read More